obsidianbuderfly's Journal

obsidianbuderfly's Journal


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1 entry this month

Ferrah Tyreng in DAMN-EDGED

03:08 Apr 05 2012
Times Read: 399

I squeezed my eyelids shut as I felt my skin ripple. My ears rang violently as I rolled my body into a tight ball until the curdling fire exploded between my shoulder blades. As the pain tore through my body as I reached out for helpless relief. It was as if lava surged through my veins and purged out my throat. I felt my bones twist and gnarl under my flaming skin.

I woke in a daze, blinking passed the clouded muck. I took in the oddly familiar world in confusion.

Where was I?

My heart hastened as I realized I was covered in a thick, warm goo. In fact, I was standing in a pool of rich, bright blood and what I assumed to be fleshy organs.

This isn't real. I tried to tell myself over and over.

I felt something brushing my bottom. I slowly looked behind me to see the edge of something soft and light.


Tears began to ooze over my lids, but the blood was too thick to wash away the horror with only tears.

I stared at the young mans face with my blurred sight. I never knew his name. I would be willing to wager that even if he had told me a name it would have been fake.

Rage gripped my tiny fists as I recalled his last words,“Don't worry, baby. I know you'll like it. I promise.”

With his false promise my fear ripped through his body.

Was he dead? Surely he was.

Oh, god. I almost forgot about the bitch. She brought me here pledging to take me away from my first wild party.

My limbs felt like jello, but my new appendages were strong and ready.

I bobbed a bit off the ground and saw the women lying peacefully on the bed with her arms and legs sprawled out covering the entire bed. I fluttered up to her landing inside her gaping mouth. Her warm breath relaxed me until I realized I just killed someone and there was a witness.

I frantically wiped the rest of my body all over her hands and mouth. I wasn't completely clean, but it would do.

I became aware of my size at that point. I wasn't big enough to open any doors or windows and I wasn't small enough to fit under any door. I was trapped until someone came in or she woke up. Fuck.

I hid as far under the bed as I could curling up into a sock like a sleeping bag. I dreamt I was lying in a cold, dark cell awaiting my agonizing execution. Then I disappeared into a bright colorful room of swirling lights and a hissing, “Feeeerrrraaaaaae.”

A wretched scream forced me out of my horrifying, bewildering slumber.

Finally, she's awake, I thought.

She didn't leave right away. It took her awhile to grab her cloths. Then she hovered over the man in disbelief.

“That little bitch,” she cursed wiping her mouth with her arm.

Her anger confused me, but I didn't have enough time to be confused. I needed out.

The dried blood glued the sock to my body. I painfully pried it away and crept behind her as she quickly threw open the door and left.

The house was a disaster. College students rented it out. I hadn't any idea if the property belonged to the university or if it had private owners. Whoever owned it was in a world of surprise.

Only a kitchen window was left open and the only person in sight was some brute passed out on the counter. The girl left so fast I couldn't keep up, so it was up to me to find a way out without having to wait too much longer or have anyone find me.

I would be someones science project for sure.

This time I flew better, swifter, but struck the screen hard.

I snarled at my incompetence and began to pry the small hole on the side far enough for me to force my way out. I pinched my wing in the wire, but I sighed my relief as I successfully escaped.

A gust of wind caught my wing and flung my body into the street. Luckily it wasn't a busy street, but the pavement stung my hands and feet as if I was crawling on an ice cube.

Where was I going to go? I wondered. I didn't have any friends. I didn't even have any parents.

I longed once more for my almost mother. The warmth of my tears unthawed my death grip on the rocky road as I flung my body into the wind.

Chapter 2

The wind threw me into a tree full of perturbed chirping. Frantic wings thrashed, knocking down leaves and twigs from the tree.

I hoped that if I could just go to sleep I would wake up and be back in my room twisted in my favorite sheet. But sleep wouldn't come. Goosebumps prickled my skin as I seen mosquitoes pass by without a second glance. The squirrels scurried all over the ground as if purposely ignoring my tree.

My arms froze to the bark as I cried until the golden disk descended from the horizon.

I thought I was hallucinating when I seen a crow perch beside me. He gave a loud, disturbing caw that made my death grip give way.

I screamed, afraid he thought I was a snack. He perked a single white feather from his head and plunged for me with his beak wide open.

“Noooooo...” I screeched as I flew off to hide.

I fluttered as fast as my wings would carry, dodging and weaving through trees and mailboxes, but he was always right behind me.

I'm not sure what made me stop. I landed in the grass of someones back yard and waited. He flew inches above me, landing next to me. His hoarse coo clicked under is tongue allowing more crows to arrive in unison.

It was like a frenzy had started and I was the prized treat.

“Come on guys,” I pleaded, “I'm not food. Really. I wouldn't even taste good.”

The crow with the white feather drove it's beak into the necks of the other birds, peaking them until blood squirted over their sleek, black feathers. They gave an irritated caw back at the feisty bird and flew off in disgust. A few tried to hover above us, circling. But this crow seemed to want me all for it's own.

I stepped back, unsure if it was worth it to run, but the crow just stood there. As if in trance, I slowly reached my hand out. He quickly moved his head to the side and let me pet him. I smiled.

“Thank you.”

The crow lowered his head and flattened his wings to the ground as if he was giving me a honorable bow.

I giggled.

“Hi,” I hesitated. “Friends?”

He bobbed his head in delight.

Chapter 3

I wondered through campus town in a strange weariness to summer. I slept in the calm trees and bathed in the reluctant summer rains. I was beginning to welcome the suns kiss every morning grateful summer storms hadn't decided to rip apart any of my wondrous hiding places in campus's closest parks.

Ames felt like a home more than any other city or town I've ever been in Iowa. Maybe because for once in my life I didn't have to worry about what foster home or group home I was going to end up in or who were going to have to put up with me this time.

That's what college was suppose to be for me, but dorm life was horrifying, to say the least, and just seemed to resembled a more relaxed facility with intense drama. If I left my door open any random person would walk in. I didn't really care for people much and never once had a close friend. And if I kept my door shut, like I normally did, everyone on my floor would ignore me. Oh well, I wasn't sure if I wanted friends in the first place. The way I seen it, friends were over rated.

Although, I had always wanted a mom and a dad. I almost had them, the perfect couple. They were loving and cared for each other dearly. I was their first foster child and their last. Not because I was terrible like all my other former foster parents and DHS workers had described, but because they had died.

I was fourteen when I was introduced to them for a temporary transitional period and I was their “test” after completing the courses for foster parenting. They quickly understood under Nicole's condition she would be an unlikely candidate for an adoption, so the alternative was to become a foster care provider. I silently knew that I was more than likely the case that was suppose to make them change their minds about having children at all, but I couldn't prove it.

Instead Nicole and her husband Ted took on the parenting role smoother than the foster parents that actually had their own kids. I was immediately under Nicole's wing and she helped more than any of the phony therapists ever had. Instead of telling me I was repressing my memories of molestation she listened to my earliest memories without question or comment. Her face showed compassion and deep concern as she swallowed her tears and asked if I wanted to play a game. Just like that. Never dwelling or asking how it made me feel. It seemed the littlest things eased my frustrations and I was able to finish high school on the honor role.

Graduation day was the saddest day of my life as I looked out into the audience knowing not one single person was there for me. I hoped in my heart their spirit lingered in the gym as we all took our final stand and threw our caps.

Around midsummer I started thinking more and more about my earliest memories. Even though I know Nicole never doubted my explanation of my tiny statue, I felt she didn't really believe me. I played my memories in my head like movie, but it didn't make any sense. I remember being tangled in a little girls hair. She was about nine and we had been playing together for some time. We traveled to her father's house and I think her mom thought I was a toy, so it was easy to sit right next to her in the car.

I can't get the dreaded look in the little girls face out of my head and I didn't understand then why she looked like that. Once we were there I did my best to make her smile. And she did until it was time to go to bed. I liked to sleep nestled between her neck and shoulder, but tonight was different. She couldn't sleep and I remember the shadow that loomed above her. I felt her shake and then cry. She screamed then I screamed. It had been a pain unlike any that I had felt except for quite recently. And it resulted in the similar way except I was the size of a four year old, covered in blood. I don't even know how I knew how to open the door, but I flew out the house running down the street wailing at the top of my lungs until a neighbor stopped me and called the police.

The sound of that little girls voice calling for me still gives me chills.


I awoke in a shriek that morning staring into Mr. Robins beak. He cocked his head and chirped at me in concern.

“It's okay Mr. Robin. Just another bad dream,” I assured him. I was grateful to hear his melodious tune every morning.

I was least ungrateful for my inability to arrange an ensemble. As if it wasn't bad enough I was the size of a awkward doll, I had to have these freakish wings. I had to tie together vines and stems to slip them through random leaves daily. I would give anything to wear cloth again or do anything just to be able to keep my breasts in place.

I gave a reluctant sigh as my little buddy gave a ear rupturing caw then swooped through the tree knocking off leaves. I laughed as I chased after him.

We had so much fun bombing the park goers with walnuts, rocks, or anything else we could find. It reminded me of all the fun I used to have, but get in trouble for before. And who was going to accuse me when I technically didn't exist? Though, someone might eventually try to kill us. I would have to be careful of those pesky humans galloping through town without the slightest assumption of my existence.

Being wild felt good. Although, I did want to further my education didn't I? Nicole would be disappointed, but how was I going to go back to civilization like this?

I thought about hiding in the classrooms to hear the lectures, but how would I know which ones to go to? And how would I get to all the ones I wanted to go to? I could try to sneak into to office and steal the information or steal a students printed out schedule, but did I really want to go to all that trouble? Apparently not.

So, what do you do when you shouldn't exist? Heck, I think I'll travel. The lazy way. I'll hitch rides. No need showing boobs or leg. Wait for a door to open and hop in. Or jump into a trucks' bed.

Or I could just live comfortably in someone's home and just live off them for the rest of my life, but that just wouldn't be fun.

Every thought felt risky. No matter if I stayed or went. It really didn't matter. Nothing could change the emptiness chiseled deep into my soul. So, I decided to stay.

I found things to do day by day, either alone or with another mischief friend. I played with the crow, finding new ways to keep ourselves entertained. We hid the squirrels' walnuts and threw them down rabbit holes. I sang with the robin, interpreting his melody to fit my acrimonious mood.

Chapter 4

I noticed the fireworks display and decided to watch. Most the creatures decided to either ignore the blasts or hide from them.

I hadn't felt more hallow in my existence. It was as if my soul were fading and there wasn't going to be anything left of me.

Growing up human there had always been someone there no matter if I wanted them or not. And now that I had my invisibility it really wasn't cheering me up. It wasn't that the crow or the robin weren't pleasant, but I didn't understand their songs no matter how much I tried to interpret them and I'm sure the feeling for them was mutual.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a glimmer off into the distance too flashy to be a firework. I squinted as if I was seeing an apparition from a sparkle of water. I imagine the shimmering had to be from the firework display, so I immediately brushed it off; however, it still continued after the fireworks finale. At about the time I thought I would investigate my tricky eyes a quick burst shook me off my feet and I fell to the ground as it sucked me into its dark depths.

With a mouth full of moist dirt I was yanked through the earth until I was dropped into a pile of soft, rich mud. Every time I tried to stand I slipped.

My eyes tried to adjust and I was astounded to be able to make out a profile of a lanky creature that stood looming before me. It's large eyes glowed faint orange and it looked as if it had no nose. His hairless head was long and ill portioned to his thin, lanky body. His nasty grin was toothless, but demonic.

I tried to scream with all the muck in my mouth, but no sound emerged.

I heard a soft hiss behind me and let out an audible piercing shriek.

“I like this one father,” it hissed.

“Just watch girl,” he moaned, “It's got to be just right.”

I tried to crawl away, but the ground was too murky and I just flopped around like a fish. I gasped as I seen the girl. She was even daintier and less wrinkled.

The father took his six fingers down my muddy chest until he reached my belly button then pushed his nail up in. My back arched and I wailed my pain flaring my arms and legs about.

“She squirms too much,” the girl moaned.

“Silence,” he demanded as his face wrinkled between his large, closed eyes.

Worms came forth and wrapped around my arms and legs like chains. They were gooey, but they held me tight.

“Much better.”

The girl giggled.

The father examined his finger nail full of blood.

“Very nice. Much better than those menacing birds and squirrels.”

“Magical,” the girl exclaimed in a hushed tone.

My blood shimmered as he let it spill out of his nail and disappear into the soil.

A group of beetles came forth from all around the moist walls of dirt and surrounded me, waiting.

With one swift move he closed his eyes, formed his hands together, and swung his arms. The girls eyes lit brighter casting a bright orange glow throughout the hallow cavern.

I screamed as he drove a sharp rock through the palm of my hand.

The girl started to hum and the father let out one more thrust.

Tears streamed down the sides my muddy face giving my cheeks the only warmth the darkness had denied me.

I faintly heard the father mumble as the beetles closed in on me. With one stroke of his thin finger he stretched the wound from my navel up to my neck.

I sealed my eyes tight as I silently begged for my life to fade away.

Chapter 5

Pure bright white light surrounded me, but I couldn't move. I was suspended as if there were nothing for me to move. I panicked, searching for my feet, then hands with no avail.

“Where am I?” I heard my voice echo. “What is this place?”

All I had were questions, but I could hear nothing but my thoughts. I was stuck in the endless light.

When I relaxed I felt the light was beautiful like the warmth of the summer sun only better. I had never felt better. The wounds I had inflicted were only a memory and I had no intention of leaving even if I couldn't. This had to be the best prison ever.

Suddenly, darkness covered my eyes as I felt a hard push shove me down.


I begged, “Please, I want to stay. I like it here.”

I felt needles prickling every ounce of my flesh. The tear up my chest flamed as my stomach churned and I vomited.

My vision blurred together as I saw a dark profile of a man. He was carrying me in the palms of his hands. When I was finally able to see only one of him I gasped.

He looked at me with wild sea green eyes. His enchanting eyes astounded me.

He took me to an abandoned building and gently placed me on the floor only to stare at me. I tried to move, but my hands stung. I couldn't fly because the beetles chomped them until they themselves were torn and bleeding. I felt ragged and vulnerable, but he just stood there looking down on me.

“I'm sorry,” he finally managed.

With eyes full of tears I scoffed, “Sorry for what?”

His face twisted as if he was thinking heavily.

“I can only bring you back. I'm not a healer,” he reluctantly replied.

Confused I managed, “You can bring back the dead or something? Was I dead?”

“Yes,” he calmly replied.

Fury tightened my fists despite the pain and I stood up.

I was dead?

“Maybe I wanted to die,” I insisted.

“I didn't,” he admitted silently.

My face cringed making him turn away.

I lessened my grip and sighed.


His head turned slightly, “I'm lonely, too.”

“Wha, “ I stopped midway. “How?”

“I've been around long enough to sense a troubled soul.”

“I don't know what you're talking about.”

I started to walk away in anguish but he vaporized leaving behind a empty vessel then revealed himself in sleek, black feathers with one small, white feather patched on his head.

“You're the crow?” Puzzled, I took a step back. “My little buddy?”

His black, beady eyes stared at me without expression as tears streamed down my cheeks.

“Who are you?” I gasped, “What are you?”

It was like I was watching a movie the way he slipped back inside the man.

He cleared his throat as I waited impatiently for an answer.

The silence was deafening and my skin shivered.

He walked into the next room, disappearing into the darkness. Leaving me staring at the gloom of the moon shining into an empty house filled with cockroaches, spiders, and millions of draping cobwebs.

When I decided to find a way out the man came back in with a large, dingy cloth.

“Here,” he gestured. “I know it's not much, but...”

I ripped the cloth out of his hands and wrapped it loosely around myself.

“Now what?” I sneered. “Are you going to tell me anything?”

He sat down beside me on the floor.


“What do you want to know?”

I glared my eyes, “Everything.”

“That's a lot.”

“Fine. Tell me whatever you're willing to share.”

He sighed, “ I'm different just like you.”

“Obviously. Least you have clothes.”

He gave a half smile.

“It's glamour. It's what I want you to see.”

I shook my head in disbelief.

“You can do it, too.”

“Do what?”

“Appear to be normal.”

I looked at my bloody hands, the cracking dry blood down my chest, and the mud that caked everything else.

“You're crazy.”

“It takes practice. It's different for all of us. It'll be harder for you only because you don't know what you are.”

“Oh, and you know what I am?”

He rolled his eyes, “Not really. Man gives us a name and thus we shall be.”


“It's complicated.”

“Well, uncomplicate it.”

My teeth began to tremble, so I drew the cloth in closer.

“You can sit on me. I promise I won't bite.”

“Not the worst thing that seems to have happened to me tonight.”

“You have no idea.”

I leered at him, uncertain. He seemed harmless, even handsome.

I slowly edged my way toward him and he lowered his hands. I climbed inside already welcoming the warmth.

“It's hard to transform when I'm inhabiting a mortal body. I only took this one because I thought it would appeal to you. I felt so strong tonight.”

I listened without comprehending.

“Nothing about the way I feel at this very moment is normal.”

“I don't know what normal is anymore,” I sighed half asleep.

Before I knew it I was off in space dancing with the stars as an orb in an awe of mixed emotions. I seen the galaxy in all it's colorful splendor feeling a lustful passion. I soared past the milky way appreciating the glory. I witnessed an explosion of a far away star: supernova. For once it was a nice dream.

I woke in the darkness snuggled in between his legs. His half smile still mounted in it's rightful place.

The agony of waking after such a peaceful dream made me groan in discomfort.

“It looks like your getting better.”

My limbs were stiff and the pain pierced deep within my bones.

“Easy for you to say.”

“I know someone that could help a little. If you want?”

I lifted my head up to see the outline of his stubble. The sensation that warmed my groin frustrated me.

“Oh, my head hurts,” I moaned as I sat up slowly.

“I don't know if she can help like that, but I'm sure she could help you get clean and make you some cloths.”

I sighed, “She's not going to finish the job is she?”

I cupped my hands in front of him as one last tear slid down my cheek.

“What's your name?” I asked.

“I was always hoping you would give me a new name.”

I paused, taking his comment in for consideration, “Maybe if I heard some name having to do with you I could come up with something.”

His eyebrows cringed as if considering his options until he reluctantly replied, “Risha Marichi.”

“Hmmm... that's different,” I replied reflecting. “Maybe. I don't know if you like it, but I suppose I'm fond of Malikai.”

He glared into the darkness.

“If you don't like it, that's fine,” I reassured him.

“No, I like it,” he paused, “Malikai.”

“It's nice to meet you Kai,” I laughed and joked, “Are you going to give me a new name?”

He snickered, “I don't know. Let's hear your name.”

“Ferrah. Ferrah Tyreng.”

“Ferrah,” he stretched it out, “No. I rather like it. Like a fair lady fairy.”

“I thought you said I wasn't a fairy? And I kind of wanted you to give me a new name. A new identity. Maybe it would take the nightmares away.”

“Nightmares,” he whispered as if they were the true demons and the wounds that would scar my chest and hands didn't mean anything more than a sheer memory.

“The little girl that was found with me. She calls out for me. Everyone thought she was calling out my name, Ferrah. But she wasn't, she was crying out “fairy”. I remember that now. All my therapists said I was repressing my memories.”

“You weren't repressing anything. That's a human thing. You remember truth.”

“Have you been stalking me?” I was feeling shaky.

“No, I've just been around a while,” he mused, “You need food. We need to find my friend. She can help.”

Chapter 6

He rushed out the house as I covered my face in his shirt. The wind was strong, but it wasn't natural. He was just that fast. It made my head throb and I vomited a clear liquid.

We came to a firm halt in front of an old apartment building.

“I don't recognize this place,” I whispered, “Are we still in Ames?”


“Where are we?”

He hushed me as he went inside the hallway and up a flight of stairs. Once he reached the top, furthest apartment he stopped and knocked.

A middle aged lady with long gray hair opened the door, horrified.

“Go away,” she demanded.

“Briella,” he gave a charming smile, “That's not how we greet an old friend.”

“Old friend indeed,” she scowled. “What do you want? It's late.”

“May I come in?” he insisted with a flirty wink.

She let loose of the door and moved back.

“I'm afraid I wasn't prepared for this visit. Is there anything I can get you?”

She was agitated and she showed it by slamming down a tea cup on an small, round kitchen table.

He laughed inside his throat.

“I'm surprised you recognized me, Briella.”

“It isn't about recognizing. I can sense your filth.”

She glared at Malikai waiting as I did to hear what he wanted.

I giggled thinking he must get that impatient, irritated look a lot.

“What was that?” Briella gasped.

Malikai smiled wide showing his straight, white teeth.

“This is Ferrah,” he stated pulling me off his shirt.

Briella's puzzlement included mine.

“Hi,” I finally spoke with a small wave.

“What are you doing?” She grimaced. “Does the queen know?”


Briella filled the cup up with hot tea adding a few teaspoons of sugar and stirred it with a vengeance. She threw down the spoon next to the cup and sipped.

“Who's the queen?” I questioned, “I thought we were in America.”

“She doesn't know anything?” Briella spat.

“No. But I was hoping you could help her,” he added.

Briella spit out her tea.

“You are crazy. What is wrong with you? You need to take her to her kind.”

“She's not really Her kind. Look at her, Briella.”

Briella lifted her hand and touched the edge of my dingy wing. I had wrapped the raunchy cloth around my body before we left, tying it the best I could around my neck.

“Nonetheless, the queen would be angry not knowing of her,” she claimed.

“She's not my queen.”

“Who are you talking about?” I yelled in annoyance. “Why won't anyone tell me anything?”

Briella and Malikai looked at each other in silence.

“Can I speak with you alone?” Malikai asked Briella.

Briella stood up and pulled a box out of her cupboard. She placed a dainty, white plate down beside me on her kitchen table and added a pastry from the box. In complete silence she left the room with Malikai in tow.

I eyed the pastry in all it's powered glory. I slipped my finger up the side and licked it. My eyes closed as my taste buds danced with bliss. Before I knew it, I dove head first into the strawberry filled wonderland. Once I finished the entire pastry I swallowed the rest of Brianna's tea in practically one gulp.

Intoxicated with sugar I scanned Briella's apartment. Still unable to fly, I climbed off the table to the chair, then finally to the floor to explore the living room. Or lack there off. The was a gray recliner, but there was no television. Off to the side of the recliner was an end table with a radio. On the far end of the room was a small bookshelf filled with dusty, old books. Next to the bookshelf there was a sewing machine with all kinds of thread and scraps of fabric lying in a specialized heap on the floor. That about did it.

I hadn't realized until then how much I missed mindless television. Some cartoons could help soothe my boggled mind at this moment. Especially since, it seemed, no one wanted to tell me anything.

Malikai came out of the room first with an implanted grin. He hummed melodiously as he swept passed me.

“Hey,” I called out.

“Sorry my fair lady.”

He dipped down picking me up.

“Briella will get you all taken care of my dear. No worries.”

Frustrated, I teased, “What did you do to her? Dazzle her with your rugged good looks?”

He laughed, “No. We have an understanding.”

He watched Briella stomp out of the room, “You can leave now. You have my word. Go.”

She shooed him out taking me in her hands.

“Now, let's get you cleaned up.”

Chapter 7

Briella took a sponge and carefully soaked it in warm, soapy water.

“This may sting a little,” she warned.

She had me sit in a dish bucket as she used the sponge to shower me. She used the corner of the sponge to dab my wings gently and softly soaped my hair. I winced as it burned as she had warned.

I cringed as the pain shivered through my body.

“Interesting,” she softy uttered under her breath.

She changed the mucky water constantly. She was meticulous taking small strokes along each crease.

She helped pat me dry, concentrating on my fresh bleeding wounds. She reached for a q-tip, dipping it in alcohol. She slid the tip down my chest and on the palm of my hands. I blubbered, trying to hold in my scream.

“It's almost over, precious.”

She used a clean q-tip to swipe antibiotic over my wounds. She cut and stuck some well shaped gauze around my hands and down my chest. Once she was done with that she gave me a thin, white cloth and helped me wrap it around myself.

“I'm unsure what to do for you poor wings.”

I looked at the soft, white hair matted to my wings.

“I'll do my best, angel.”

“I thought you were mad,” I wondered aloud.

“Oh, sweetheart. I don't know what you were doing with that demon, but I could never be so much as harsh to you.”

She began to work delicately on my tattered wings.

“Can you lift them?”

I sucked in my breath and spread out each wing simultaneously.

“Oh, dear,” she sighed, “I'll do my best.”

She rubbed ointment on the palms of her hands and slid them gently together down each wing.

I relaxed my wings and yawned. It felt refreshing to be truly clean for once.

“Sleep little angel. You should feel a bit better when you wake.”

She moved me somewhere quiet and comfortable covering me up in a soft fleece blanket.

Dreamless, I woke up watching her sit in her recliner working away at something in her hands. Her fingers fluttered and pulled at the fabric.

“Feeling better, Angel?” Her distant eyes never moved from her work.

I stretched my legs out of the blanket and walked toward her, “yes.”

It was amazing. The aching was completely gone, but the wounds still felt tight.

“Does your head still hurt?”

I thought about it, “No.”

She small smile closed her mouth.

“Why do you call me Angel?”

Her smile faded as she put down her work.

“Come, Angel,” she paused reaching out her hand, “ I have something for you.”

As I walked closer to her I heard a faint violin playing. Then an entire orchestra. It was soothing.

I stopped by her hands as she scooped me up and placed me on the arm of her chair.

“Classical,” I pointed to the radio.

“Yes, it's nice.”

She held up a white dress. It was so beautiful I was afraid to touch it and it get dirty.

“Try it on,” she suggest, “ I want to see how it fits.”

I draped it over my arm as she set me back down on the floor. I slid my legs through the top and pulled it up. It was like a summer dress with a bikini top so that I could tie the neck any way I needed to. The bodice fit perfectly as it lifted and filled my breasts magically. The back was slit just enough to reach the very edge of my wings protruding from my back. I felt my body through the silky fabric in astonishment as it draped over my ankles.

“Wow. You made this?”

Her smile widened with accomplishment, “You like it?”

“I love it,” I gaped, “ Can you make panties?”

She reached over her stand grabbing a small pile of fabric.

“You really are such a lady, Angel,” she smiled and handed me the garments.

My arms were full of fine fabric and lace. I flipped through it finding similar dresses of various pastel colors.

I started to cry.

“Thank you,” I blubbered.

“You are most welcome,” she sat back in her recliner with her fingers fluttering. In an instant she came back out of her trance and handed me a sheer pair of panties.

“This feels so much better,” I stuttered in my tears.

“Well, I couldn't very well let you go around in the buff,” she looked at the window, “ I should make us something hearty to eat before I go to work.”

At that very second my stomach groaned.

“The pastry must have worn off,” I giggled in embarrassment.

“The sugar was essential to calm your nerves. But now you need something better to help heal those sores.”

I followed her to the kitchen, interested in everything she did. I felt like a child following her mother around the house. But she didn't seem to mind me behind her.

She picked me up placing me on the counter as she went to work cutting up broccoli, carrots, celery, and potatoes. I watched her swift strokes take only seconds as she slid them into a boiling pot. Next she worked on some red meat as if she was filleting a fish. She heated up a separate pan and through in some oil. It sizzled as she added the meat. She added all kinds of spices from the small rack above the stove.

Just breathing I felt like I was actually eating. I hadn't realized how much I missed cooked food. I had been eating off the land all summer long. I liked the fresh walnuts and berries I picked with the Crow, but I was missing so much.

I thought about my buddy and I just couldn't put Malikai in the same category as my playful and thoughtful friend.

I was just about drowning in the aroma when she sat a steaming plate of intoxicating goodness down beside me. The heat kept me from diving in. I stood their drooling, wondering how I was going to devour the scrumptious heap.

As if reading my mind she pulled out silverware. I looked at them horrified until she rubbed them in her hands and made them my size. Astounded, I giggled.

“How,” I paused, “wondrous!”

We ate together in peaceful silence enjoying each and every bite. She finished before me and started to wash all the dishes.

“What where those creatures that hurt me?” I finally was ready to hear the horror.

“The don't show themselves often,” she paused while she finished rinsing the pans. “They only showed themselves to the native Americans. They are the guardians of the earth.”

“Guardians? Why would they want to kill me?”

Weren't guardians of anything suppose to be good beings?

“They were preparing a sacrifice to fertilize the earth. Your wounds are consistent to they ritual.”

“They were so awful and the girl was even creepier.”

My face twisted with memories.

“Girl, huh,” her lips pursed. “She must be getting ready to leave home.”

“What do you mean.”

“Well, the Gahonga are bisexual. Once the girl is ready to leave her father and find her own territory she will be impregnated then give birth and become a grumpy old man just like her father,” she affirmed.


She giggled and took a deep breath, “You are such a fresh soul. So pure.”

I had a feeling there was more to life than what I was taught in school. Not that I assumed that school taught me half of anything, but I thought it would at least prepare me for the world ahead. Instead, I felt severely uneducated.

“Okay?” I hated to ask, but it felt important, “What exactly is Malikai?”


She had everything put away except for my unfinished plate. I was still working on it, but I wanted to know the truth.

“The man that brought me here. He said he brought me back from the dead.”

Briella took a ragged breath of irritation.

“He's a Rakshasas. He has wondered the earth longer than humans. When he was created his kind were to guard the waters. When man was created the Rakshasas found enlightenment. True immortality. Whenever a Rakshasas dies he or she is reborn with all their past memories. Because of their 'pure' enlightenment they are able to transform into whatever they please only when they are not possessing a human. It took a lot of power for Marichi to show you his animal form after he found a body to inhabit. But the crow is not his normal form. He really looked much like a grotesque human in his original body. In human form he can have all the pleasures as a human, but with a high cost.”

Her abrupt silence made me ask, “What cost?”

She closed her eyes and wrinkled her eyebrows together, “He is at most an energy. He doesn't need to feed only twenty to thirty years to retain his energy; however, he used much of his energy pulling you back from the dead without giving you leprosy.”

“Why do you think he saved me?” I recalled wanting to die.

“He enjoys ruining sacrifices,” she rolled her eyes. “It's a fun past time for him. As is desecrating graves and making zombies that serve only him. Though, I can't explain why he brought you back as he did.”

“So he possesses human bodies, but he can make himself look like anything he wants?”

“It allows him to be able to enjoy human things,” her disgust rode her taunt face.

I shook my head in disapproval.

“What does he eat?”

“Flesh and blood.”


“Don't worry your pretty little head about it, Angel. He knows how to be discrete.”



I covered my ears and started to cry. I liked to prank people, but I would never intentionally harm anyone. This was awful.

Briella patted my head and shushed me.

“I hate to leave you, but I need to get some sleep. I have the night shift at the nursing home.”

“Okay,” I sniffled. “Are any of your books good?”

“I'm so sorry. Lets find you something to do.”

She disappeared into her room carrying a slim electronic.

“I know I'm not up too date on technology, but I did buy this. This apartment has wifi, so I use it to read books and look at the weather. I don't actually use it much, but I'm sure it could keep you busy for awhile, I hope.”

She placed the screen on the floor beside the bed she had made me. I skimmed my fingers over the screen picking some games that seemed to interest me.

Briella left to her room in an exhausted humph.

Chapter 8

I spent hours flipping through music, games, and random pages of the internet. I was starting to feel like a web junkie trying to absorb all the information that lay in cyber space. I tried to look up some of the things Briella was telling me, but I just didn't have the courage to break my heart over someone I barely knew.

I decided to think about him as a the crow. Something innocent and playful. He just couldn't be wicked.

I found myself drifting in and out of sleep thumbing a game and losing miserably. I seen my friendly crow chasing me through a luscious forest of green. We played until we crashed onto a canopy of fresh, green vines. Then he transformed into the handsome man with the sexy sea green eyes. His eyes twinkled bright as if the stars themselves were encased within. My heart began to flutter sending a warm rush of euphoria straight to my loins.

I awoke with an intense need to pee. The apartment was so dark, the only light was the electronic notebook Briella let me use. I began to frantically search the place for a place to pee. Where was a miniature toilet when you needed one?

As I rushed through the apartment, trying to decide where I could go some woman came out of Briellas' bedroom. Her long gingered hair draped over her colorful scrubs.

A warm tinkle drizzled down my leg as I stood motionless.

“Oh, Angel,” her vibrant voice was sweet and thick like pure honey.

I stood staring at her creamy, white face painted with a million freckles.

“Are you okay, Angel?”

“I,” I stuttered. “Where's Briella?”

Her thin lips widened familiarly. “I am Briella, Angel. Are you wet?”

My shoulders shivered and I started to bawl.

“Shhh, Angel,” her voice matured. “It's really me.”

Slowly her hair tainted gray and the wrinkles pressed between her eyebrows thickening in place.

My mouth twitched. I blinked a thousand times in astonishment.


“Yes, dear,” she immediately switched back to the young woman. “It's glamour. It's one of the few magical gifts I still possess.”

“Malikai said I can do it, too?”

“Maybe, illusion is a divine gift that most of us share. Some like the Gahonga only have the ability to disappear. Others, like me and Marichi or Malikai have the ability to share only what we want others to see.”

“Is that what you really look like?”

Briella frowned. “No.”

“Oh,” I wondered.

“I don't want to spook you my dear, but I am very old. Centuries in fact. I will tell you I am Brownie and human half breed. I take on an elderly woman so that others may believe I live with my grand daughter. I work night shifts at the nursing home in town, so to ensure that I don't get stalked too much. It works differently in each place I go. I know it's not the best disguise; however, I haven't had a problem with it so far yet in this small town.”

I pinched my brows together and hugged myself loosely trying not to make my chest and hands ache. The chill of my fear that ran down my leg embarrassed me.

“What town is this?”

“Madrid,” she shook her head, “You poor thing. Let's get you cleaned up.”

She gently clasped her hands around my torso and carried me to the kitchen. This time she placed me in the sink and hosed me down with warm water.

“We should change those bandages. I'll get everything you may need while I'm at work.”

I watched as she floated through her home. She prepared bathwater in her kitchen sink, dabbing small puddles of soaps so that I could wash myself as she readied me for her absence.

I decided to concentrate on my bathing. The shampoo she showed me smelled like jasmine. It overwhelmed my nostrils with the divine scent. The body wash smelled just the same, but was a clearer and creamier than the shampoo.

I could only reach the top and bottom edges of my wings. I could see the vast improvement as I spread them out over the water. I seen the scabs forming under the fine, white hairs that blanketed my tattered wings.

It stung much less to lather the suds as I noticed all the pinkish white flesh bubbling a silky finish. It was amazing that there wasn't any scabs like my wings, but I wasn't looking forward to the deep set scars.

Once I finished I splashed the water over my face and head giggling.

Briella came back again as the young freckled girl in scrubs. I was still a little freaked out.

p-She helped me out of the sink and gave me a wash cloth to dry off with. She set one of the pretty dresses down for me. It was the light pink one, but this one had ruffles around the neck. It was so delicate and beautiful I was afraid I would make it look hideous.

“You look lovely, Angel,” Briella gasped.

I frowned sweeping my finger tips over the silky bubble of flesh between my breasts.

“Well, I have a long shift tonight. I want to be sure you have some things around so that you can snack,” she pursed her lips, “I have some cream you can put on that. It will help. I promise.”

She opened almost every cupboard as she picked out each item carefully laying them out over her kitchen table.

She dotted some white cream on the tip of her finger. “Go ahead and rub it in.”

I dipped my hand in the lavish cream and spread it over my chest going as far down under my dress as possible. It was loose enough at the sides for me to reach all the way to my navel. Then I used the access to rub it into my hands.

“It's my own special recipe I got from a really old friend,” she explained.

She set me up a section of the living room with food and small tin that she put behind a something that reminded me of a room divider, only smaller.

Once she was satisfied she scooped me up off the counter.

“You are so beautiful, Angel,” she mused, “No demon should be able to taint you. I will not let that happen. Just look at the pretty dark brown hair. I love that it has a hint of red in it. So lovely.”

Her half smile perked as her eyes lovingly lingered over my body giving me goosebumps.

“I'm hideous,” I retorted. “These scars are awful. I've never been pretty. And to add everything up I have these monstrous wings.”

“You are mistaken.”

She brought out a hand mirror and held it up in front of me. I thought I was looking at someone else entirely in the mirror. The person staring back at me was radiant. My wings were fluffing wet and white, slightly scabbed, as they cascaded down my back until they were just flesh and ass. My dark reddish brown hair draped over my shoulders and curled slightly over my breasts. The light pink dress made my milky skin glow. I barely even noticed the scars forming below my collar bone. I was most astounded with my eyes, how they twinkled with golden yellow with bits of green and blue. I couldn't take my eyes off of myself. I was transfixed.

“You are most lovely, Angel.” She put the mirror away and finished my spot on the floor making everything I needed available. “I'll be gone for quite some time. I hope I have everything here you may need. I'll check in on you during my break. I always come home then, so nothing will be out of the ordinary.”

“Behind this screen will hopefully help you when you need to go to the bathroom,” she motioned her hands towards the area with the small tin.

She picked up a few of her items and left me sitting in the middle of all the things she laid out for me.

There was a delicate mug sitting beside some strawberries. It's aroma was compelling, drawing me in close enough to burn my nose on the steam. It tantalized my nostrils with it's honey scent as I tried to lap it ever so carefully trying not to scorch my tongue.

I hadn't realized it was gone until I was sitting in the mug memorized by the allure of the strawberries. I drug myself out of the mug and crawled over to the plate of strawberries. I licked the strawberries intensely. I felt the giddiness deep inside my gut as I sunk my teeth into the flesh of the fruit.

Before I knew it my eyes sank inside my head and I felt a rush of warm air whirl inside my body. I curled myself into a ball wrapping a plush white blanket around my body. I cuddled the rich fuzz in a dream like state staring into my empty head.

Chapter 9

I dreamt of Briella in both her disguises. Each woman took on a different personality. Older Briella was more motherly and I tended to like her most. I inquisitively followed her dotting on her every move. Young Briella I imagined to be more of an older sister I never had. As if she was willing to look after me, but yet do all those girly things sisters do together like painting our nails and styling our hair.

Malikai majestically rode in on a black, ram like creature. The creatures horns were massive and it's eyes glowed red. It bucked throwing Malikai high on it's back, but came back down with elegance as it's hoofs clicked the ground. It did not nay, instead it audibly exhaled smoke inhaling it loudly back inside it's throbbing nostrils.

When Malikai dismounted his macho smile through me off my feet. I floated toward him in a trance. I grabbed for him, but I could not reach him. He just stood there smiling at me with those ravishing green eyes.

I immediately felt like I was falling. I screamed trying to hold on to anything, but there was nothing but darkness. My lips trembled as the cold nipped my flesh with vengeance.

I pleaded for warmth to fill my veins as I wrapped myself within myself the best I could. My face grazed my wings hoping their downy silk would give me some comfort.

To no avail I felt crisp, wet blades of grass beneath my hands. I plucked the leaves out of the moist ground staring into the blade with question.

With a feeling of delirium I laid back and took in the chill of the earth beneath me. I shivered violently as my chest began to ache. I felt like I was being ripped open at all ends. My hands exploded in a mess of flesh and bone. My chest erupted with all the tissue and organs flowing down my sides. My wings shriveled in a blackened ash of ice. I felt excessively lost.

In a moment of despair I helplessly gave into the rush of heat that wrapped me like a thin sheet of sun.

I awoke in a cold sweat. That had to be one of the worst dreams I've ever had. Even the ones with the little girl calling out for fairy couldn't compare to the endless despair this dream provoked.

I grabbed an unfinished strawberry and swallowed it with a never ending thirst for the sweet nectar deep inside.

My hands stuck together with the sweetness as I hurriedly licked at my palms. By the hundredth lick I noticed a change. There was no longer the pinkish white bubble of scar forming, but fresh pink flesh and delicate hand lines. I stared at my palms with confusion and wonder.

Was my chest like this? I fluttered my fingers down my dress and felt nothing but soft sweet tissue.

The scars are gone? I must be dreaming.

I pawed at the blanket that twisted it's way through my legs until I realized something else had been healed. My wings felt raw and sore, but the scabs were practically gone. I stretched my wings touching my smooth shoulders with my newly formed hands. My velvety white wings sprawled out behind me perfectly. The was no denying Briella had done everything she could to heal me. I was in debt to her kindness.

My mouth was arid. My tongue scraped the roof of my mouth as I searched the room for relief. I lifted my wings to try to maneuver myself off the ground to see how strong they really were. My goal was to reach the sink and shower myself in the luscious water.

I bobbed a bit off the ground just like the first time I started to learn how to fly, but it was like second nature. As soon as I shifted my weight I was up in the air hovering. The higher I got the more nauseated I got, but I was bound and determined to get a drink.

I wished I had never left the outside. Everything just seemed in reach. But yet again I would be dead. Should I be happy I wasn't dead?

The light felt so inviting. I never wanted to leave it. I reminisced the euphoria I felt inside my imprisoned wonderland. I would have stayed there forever. Drunk from the energy it fed me.

I sighed heavily as I perched up on the frozen sink. I studied my strawberry stained dress cussing myself out again for ruining another beautiful dress. I slowly lifted the nozzle and waited for the water to become tepid. Once I was satisfied with the temperature I realized I wasn't as thirsty as I once was, but it wouldn't hurt to shower in the glorious stream and wash off the strawberry seeds.

I used some of the excess soaps Briella left. They were a little dry, but once I sprinkled water on the goo it lathered and cleansed.

My dress clung to me like a second skin. It was entirely see through now. I felt myself with my newly healed hands sliding my palms up and down my curvy sides. I felt sexy. I was lost in the wonder of my newly healed body as the water beaded.

Once I was finished I found the pile of extra dresses Briella had made for me and slipped on the fuchsia one. It was exactly like the first, fitting me in every way. I scattered the rest of the dresses searching for the pairs of underwear she had thrown together for me.

I felt so much better. The thirst subsided leaving only a trace of delirium across my lips. I smacked them together to moisten them.

I took a deep breath and began to run my fingers over the electronic notebook. I found all kinds of humorous videos, but I felt like something was missing.

I stared hard and long at the white walls of the apartment. It felt like my mind went numb and I just couldn't concentrate on any one thing but the wall. I laid there like that until Briella came in through the door.

Her long gingered hair swayed to the side as she turned to lock the door.

“How are you holding up, Angel?”

I stared at her with a cheesy grin.

“Oh, my,” she hesitated at the cup, “Did you drink all of this at once?”

I giggled, “yes.”

I yawned and stretched out over the floor.

“Well, I see it helped better than what I had anticipated. But do you feel okay, Angel?” Her eyes gleamed with concern. I wasn't sure what to tell her.

“I'm fine,” I shrugged.

“I see. You seem a little low my dear,” she paused tightening her thin lips together until she added, “I have a feeling you need to be somewhere more appropriate.”

“What? What about Malikai?” I started to panic.

“It's none of his concern. I've already contacted the court and someone should be here for you any time now.”

I started to mentally devise a strategy of escape; however, I wasn't sure where I would go to begin with once I was in the hallway of the apartment building

Was I even strong enough to fly that fast? What if they had powers I didn't?

I couldn't even out fly the crows. What made me think I could get away?

I sighed as Briella gave me the strangest looks.

“Where would I be going? With who? Will you let Malikai know?”

“Calm down, Angel. I'm sure everything will be fine. Don't worry your pretty little head over it.”

She smiled, turning to the kitchen to get herself her lunch.

Would it be lunch if you work evening shifts, I wondered? I'm so confused.

I watched Briella take out items from the refrigerator and cupboards trying not to fret over my new pending location.



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